Numerology - What is Numerology - Third Eyes Astro
The analysis of a person birth date consequently predicting his /her character, personal traits and future is known as Numerology. There are certain ways of calculating one’s number according to numerology. According to numerology, the upcoming events in one’s life can also be calculated.
Number 1
If you are born on 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month, you happen to come under number 1.
-Personality trait
Number 1 comes under the Sun which implies that the individual is always in the lime light and supposes oneself to be supreme to others. People under this number are aggressive as well and always wish to be respected wherever they go. These people are strong, determined and ambitious. They do have the capability of turning their dream into reality.
-They are more comfortable with people born under number 1, 5 and 7.
Number 2
If you are born on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th of any month you happen to belong to number 2.
-Personality trait
This number belongs to the Moon. These people are emotional and sensitive. They like peace and make their place in everyone’s heart with their nature. They are always alert and attentive which sometimes lead to over thinking and you reject good opportunities.
- Although they become friends with everyone but numbers 2, 4 and 8 can prove to be their best ones.
Number 3
If you are born on 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month, you are number 3.
-Personality trait
Just like number 1, number 3 people are also ambitious, with a strong will and fearless. These people do not give up until they have given their hundred percent. Number 3 people are also found to be boasting everywhere about their capabilities and belongings and due to this, people also avoid them at certain places.
-Number 3 people become good friends with number 3, 6 and 9.
Number 4
If you are born on 4th, 13th,22nd or 31st of any month, you belong to number 4.
-Personality trait
People under number 4 stand to their commitment and words until end. At times they are even aggressive but these are the people you can rely on. These people are not romantic and believe more in sex and flirting. They would not let others to know what is happening inside them.
-Number 4 people make good friends with people born under number 2, 4 and 8.
Number 5
People born on 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month belong to number 5.
-Personality traits
These people are intelligent, active and versatile. They get easily offended but at times do not realize to what extent they hurt the 2nd person. People under number 5 are not that emotional and so they are not even that expressive as well. They usually fail to express their feelings to the 2nd person, especially their partners. There can be no doubt about number 5 person’s commitment towards anything. If they say something, they mean it. Eloquence is their major quality.
- They are more comfortable with people born under number 1, 5 and 7.
Number 6
People born on 6th, 15th or 24th of any month, belong to number 6.
-Personality traits
Number six people are friendly and this number represents love and affection. These people have certain magnetic quality which attracts people to them.
They always choose to be happy despite of having problems with them. Number 6 people do not tolerate injustice and can go long ways helping anyone. They are clear with their plans and so even execute them out in the proper way required. They are in more chances of experiencing a bad reputation.
- They are easily comfortable with number 3, 6, and 9.
Number 7
If you are born on 7th, 16th or 25th of any month, you happen to fall under number 7.
-Personality traits
People born under number 7 are generally very volatile, Arrogant, and egoistic still they know how to control themselves. They are very social and helpful. These people are honest with a good sense of humor. They are deep thinkers and plan their move before executing it.
-These people get into relation with people born under number 1, 5 and 7.
Number 8
People born on 8th, 17th or 26th of any month fall in this category of number 8.
-Personality traits
Number 8 is not a fortunate number to be born under. These people are strong, ambitious and money minded. People have special attraction to people of number 8. They are mentally very strong and deep thinkers. They have an intense personality but when it comes to helping someone in pain, they can cross any limits. Even after having the good qualities the area that would never leave them is “struggle”. Also, they are prone to unnecessary and fake subjection and might face legal matters due to it. They might also face mysterious ending of their life.
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Number 9
If you are born on 9th, 18th or 27th of any month, your number is 9.
-Personality trait
People with number 9 have a mixed personality. There are equal number of people who like and admire you and equal number of people who have hatred for you. These people are confident and out spoken. They feel things very deeply but do not let any other person know about it. They are always eager to learn and explore disregarding of the source.
- Number 9 people become friends with number 3, 6 and 9.
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